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“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”
(Psalm 139:6)



​Born in Bucharest, at the age of 21, while I was deeply involved in sport in the Netherlands, I have started to read the Bible. This led me to a new life with Christ, to a deep understanding of God and to several experiences with His Spirit. A Romanian devoted man of God and two great ministers from Holland were used by God to inspire me in knowing Him better. That was my first step for this actual vocation as a minister. (Jeremiah 29:11-14a) 


My personal target is to know Christ and to fulfill my call of leading people to a personal relationship with Christ through God's Word and His Spirit.

My eagerness for the Church is to display Christ love, His fullness of grace and His life-transforming power.

One of my great satisfaction is to see the joy and the assurance of salvation manifested in people’s life and to encourage them to enjoy the challenges of life by partnering with God's Spirit.


In November 2012 I moved to Canada with my wife and our two children.

After serving fifteen years as an ordained pastor in Romania, in November 2016 I was inducted as minister at Knox Presbyterian Church in Palmerston; a congregation, a community and a ministry with renewal opportunities.


Being among people and ministering them is my third predilection after seeking God’s face and considering my family!

Nick Pavel

Spirit Lead Me (Lyrics) ~ Michael Ketterer & Influence Music

Part of my call and ministry as pastor of KPC

- to lead people to Christ and to make disciples 

   for Christ. To re-initiate the respect of God’s

   written word and of the living Word of God in

   the church and in people’s daily life.​


- to stir up the hunger and the thirsty in every

   believer of God’s living water.​


- to equip those whose hearts and lives got the

   grace of being called in different ministries.

- to encourage old and young to praise God in

    the unity of the Spirit through prayer and music.​


- to help people live their lives as an expression

   of “draw me close to You!”​


- to experience renewal in the church and

   through the church within our community.

- to preach the Gospel in and outdoors, to teach people about of how-to walk-in God’s ways, to comfort the broken hearts, to ignite God’s Spirit fire in people’s lives, to help people open their eyes to see the beauty of Christ, to lead people to experience God’s presence in their own lives, to assist believers to rebuild their prayer altars, to stir up the love of many for God’s written and Incarnated Word through the passion of God’s Spirit.​


- to be there where He wants me and where He can use me, and to be there where I can meet and help those who are in need /eager for Christ.


- to be a lever in people’s lives to reach the edge of saying: “Now I know that My Savior lives!”

Minister (Nick)

Sunday Morning Services @ 10am (fellowship, snack & coffee follow) Communion - first Sunday of the month 

Sunday, February 16 @ 12:00pm - The Lord's Pantry

Wednesday, January 22 @ 6:30pm - Bible Study and Prayer

Office Hours and Counseling - Tuesday: 9:30 - 3:30pm                                   Pastoral Visit Upon Request - Wednesday 9:30 - 4:30pm

                      AA Meeting - Tuesday @ 7pm (GYM room)                                                    Worship Team Rehearsal - Saturday (sanctuary)​

Address: 315 Main St. West - Palmerston; ON; Phone: (519) 343-3201    

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