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Events hosted at Knox

Would you like us to host your event at Knox?

Contact us!

Teachers lunch

On May 26, 2017 Knox Church is hosting the teacher's lunch starting @12:00 pm

Alcoholic Anonymous

Are you struggling against alcohol? 
Every Tuesday starting @ 7:00 pm an AA group is being hosted at Knox.
Everyone who would like to overcome it is welcome to join!

Sunday Morning Services @ 10am (fellowship, snack & coffee follow) Communion - first Sunday of the month 

Sunday, February 16 @ 12:00pm - The Lord's Pantry

Wednesday, January 22 @ 6:30pm - Bible Study and Prayer

Office Hours and Counseling - Tuesday: 9:30 - 3:30pm                                   Pastoral Visit Upon Request - Wednesday 9:30 - 4:30pm

                      AA Meeting - Tuesday @ 7pm (GYM room)                                                    Worship Team Rehearsal - Saturday (sanctuary)​

Address: 315 Main St. West - Palmerston; ON; Phone: (519) 343-3201    

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